How To Strengthen Weak Nails Naturally | LIVESTRONG.COM

How to harden fingernails?

Nail Care / December 5, 2020

My natural craze has extended from my hair to my face to my body to my feet, yet for some reason when I recently went to take off a thick coating of black nail polish that I had painted over at least 3 times this summer, I found my nails completely in shreds. With each layer of black nail polish I took off, a layer of my fragile nail seemed to come off with it. The biotin pills I dilligently take each morning seemed to reach my locks and skin, but never even considered putting the proper nutrients in my precious nail beds. I'd never been one to keep my nails in shape, as I've mentioned before, I am pretty lazy about beauty —natural remedies and routines appealed to me because I didn't need to go far from my house or spend a lot of money. It's just a healthy coincidence that my locks and skin loved my natural routine.

My painted nails began when I was on crutches and my bestie was first diagnosed with Lupus. My friend loved her nails and with her recent diagnosis, couldn't risk the prospect of a fungal infection or contamination at a nail salon so she began making some seriously fancy designs herself and becoming one of the best DIY nail technicians I know. I, a slight germaphobe, fearful of nail technicians and their sharp instruments, have only had my nails done twice in my life. Since this was someone that sold me my first Manic Panic hair dye at Hot Topic, I knew I could trust her with my sensitive cuticles. Plus, both of us desperately needed something to occupy our time while we were secluded in the Granite State. We began a lengthy habit of painted nails, only seeing our natural nails when we removed one colorful design for another.

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Painting my nails lets me ignore the problem underneath — brittle edges that often snag the delicate curls on my head and more recently, a jagged nail bed. After buffing the crap out of my nails this week, I realized that I was merely masking a beauty crisis. I needed to get my nails in shape with the quickness, because it is too hot for me to be waiting for nail polish to dry.

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